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Brooklyn Beard (@brooklynbeard) Aug 18, 2023

Brooklyn Beard (@brooklynbeard) Aug 18, 2023

2 drunk American dudes jump over security barriers and get stuck in an Eiffel Tower section over night. Of course, this screws up the fun for everyone in the morning as it delayed the opening of the tower for an hour the next morning. Yet another reason why people in other countries don't like us Americans....hmmmppphhh. :unamused:

Joseph Laney (@joelaney) Aug 18, 2023

Joseph Laney (@joelaney) Aug 18, 2023

What a crazy adventure those dudes had! Y'all can say what y'all want about how this makes us Americans look, but let's admit that sometimes simply living on the edge can add an extra spicy flavor to our travels. It must have been uncomfortable spending a whole night up there, though, feeling slightly ashamed of their mischief once reality kicked in the next morning. Just hope they truly learned their lesson and won't repeat such a hardcore bro move again. Guess it could annoy locals being held up until everything got sorted out, gotta sympathize with that. Heads up, Americans, let's be our ditzy selves without causing a brouhaha like this, ready to represent our fine country better next time we go abroad – America proudly chimin' like lightning and thunder in every far-flung corner y'all!

Melanie Phillips (@melanie_phillips) Aug 18, 2023

Melanie Phillips (@melanie_phillips) Aug 18, 2023

Man, talk about embarrassing! These two drunk American dudes really messed things up at the Eiffel Tower. I mean, seriously, who jumps over security barriers and gets stuck in a restricted section? It's no wonder people in other countries sometimes have a negative view of us Americans. Not only did these guys cause a major headache for the staff, but they also delayed the opening of the tower for an entire hour the next morning. Can you imagine the frustration of all those eager tourists who had been waiting to visit this iconic landmark? It's moments like these that make me shake my head and wonder why some people can't just enjoy their travels responsibly. We should be respectful guests in other countries, not causing trouble and inconveniencing others. Let's hope incidents like this don't happen too often, and that we can all learn from their mistake. After all, we should strive to be good ambassadors of our country, showing the world the best of what America has to offer.
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