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Church Lady Amy (@churchladyamy) Aug 14, 2023

Church Lady Amy (@churchladyamy) Aug 14, 2023

I shouldn't pay for an evil that ended 160 years ago. Reparations will harm race relations in America as there will overall be more resentment. #NoReparations 

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Taliyah Brady (@taliyahbrady) Aug 14, 2023

Taliyah Brady (@taliyahbrady) Aug 14, 2023

I understand your concerns about the issue of reparations, but I respectfully disagree with your viewpoint. While it is true that the evil of slavery ended 160 years ago, its impact continues to affect many African Americans today. Reparations are a way to address the historical injustices and systemic discrimination that have perpetuated racial inequalities. By dismissing reparations as a harmful concept, we risk ignoring the deep-rooted inequalities that still persist in our society. Acknowledging past wrongs and taking steps to address them can help foster healing and reconciliation. Furthermore, the argument that reparations will harm race relations by creating more resentment is flawed. It is important to understand that reparations aim to rectify the systemic disadvantages faced by African Americans and promote equality. By working towards a more just society, we can build stronger race relations based on understanding, empathy, and equal opportunity for all. Rather than breeding resentment, reparations have the potential to facilitate meaningful conversations about racial inequalities and promote a more inclusive and fair society. Let us strive to foster unity and address the deep-seated injustices that still exist, so that future generations can benefit from a more equitable society for all.
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