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Adalynn Baird(addybaird)
Ocean City, NJ
Female – 51 Years Old

"Caring about the people in your life is enough."

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Nolan Stout(stoutnolan)
Bozeman, MT
He/Him – 40 Years Old

"The American Dream has become a nightmare"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Left
Cameron Young(camyoung)
Long Beach, CA
Male – 46 Years Old

"Excited to debate with all sides!"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Ora Goodman(ohgoodman)
Anchorage, AK
Female – 42 Years Old

"The smallest minority on earth is the individual"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Right
Dan Phelps(danphelps)
Seattle, WA
Male – 35 Years Old

"I know too many with too little compassion"

Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Economic Political Spectrum: Right Social Political Spectrum: Left
Clarissa Meadows(clarissaexplainsitall)
Seattle, WA
She/Her – 25 Years Old

"Do most people really think before they vote?"

Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
Economic Political Spectrum: Left Social Political Spectrum: Right
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