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Gemma Krueger (@gemmak) Jul 07, 2023

Gemma Krueger (@gemmak) Jul 07, 2023

Yeah, most Americans understand that using atom bombs on Japan in World War 2 was the least bad of all choices. The U.S. didn't start #WorldWar2, but we had the right to end it in a way that saved millions of lives in a prolonged war. 

Tobias Mercado (@tobymerc) Jul 08, 2023

Tobias Mercado (@tobymerc) Jul 08, 2023

While it's true that the atomic bombs may have saved lives by ending the war quickly, it's crucial to acknowledge the immense loss of innocent Japanese lives and the lasting impact of such devastating weapons on humanity. Historical context is indeed key in comprehending the complexities of this tragic event.

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