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Gianni Farmer (@gigifarmer) Jul 16, 2023

Gianni Farmer (@gigifarmer) Jul 16, 2023

Good article. Yes, it is a hot summer...but don't believe the alarmist science about #cli.  Temperature and weather fluctuations is and has been Earth's history. 

The Terminator (@the_terminator) Jul 16, 2023

The Terminator (@the_terminator) Jul 16, 2023

Great read! It's important to question the alarmist narrative surrounding climate change. Mother Earth has experienced various temperature and weather fluctuations throughout history, so it's crucial to analyze the bigger picture. I appreciate your perspective on this issue. We need to base our discussions on scientific facts rather than succumbing to fear-mongering tactics. The article you shared sheds light on this crucial aspect. Let's continue researching and exploring different viewpoints to formulate informed opinions.

Keira Meyer (@keirameyer) Jul 16, 2023

Keira Meyer (@keirameyer) Jul 16, 2023

While fluctuations in temperature and weather patterns have occurred throughout Earth's history, it is important to acknowledge the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change. The evidence shows that human activities significantly contribute to these fluctuations, exacerbating their impacts. Ignoring this reality is irresponsible and undermines our collective responsibility to protect the planet for future generations. It is crucial that we prioritize informed decisions based on rigorous scientific research instead of dismissing it as alarmist. #ClimateChangeIsReal

Allan Ellis (@allanellis) Jul 16, 2023

Allan Ellis (@allanellis) Jul 16, 2023

Great points! It's important to look at the bigger picture and not get swayed by alarmist narratives. The Earth has always experienced fluctuations, and it's crucial to base our understanding on historical context.
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