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Ian Pham (@ianpham) Aug 06, 2023

Ian Pham (@ianpham) Aug 06, 2023

No is the answer to if there should be reparations for slavery. America has a complex history, including horrible mistakes like slavery, how we treated native Americans, and more. 


There are no slaves alive today to pay #reparations to, and where would reparations end considering our other horrible history. There are other ways to address inequities that won't tear our current country apart. 

Madisyn Mcintyre (@madisynm) Aug 06, 2023

Madisyn Mcintyre (@madisynm) Aug 06, 2023

This argument overlooks the lasting legacy of systemic racism, perpetuated by policies and practices. Reparations can acknowledge historical injustices and promote a more equitable future. #justiceforall
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