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Are humans primarily responsible for #ClimateChange?

While not everyone agrees that #ClimateChange is prevalent in today’s world, those who do acknowledge climate change fall on two sides of the argument. Those that believe that humans are primarily responsible for global warming, and those who believe that greenhouse gas emissions are too small to change the climate and that warming is a natural process of earth temperature fluctuations. 

Over the past 100 years the average surface temperature of the earth has risen by 2 degrees Fahrenheit. While seemingly small, this increase is felt across the globe in stronger storms, loss of sea ice, rising ocean levels, and more droughts. 

The argument about whether climate change is caused by humans or not primarily focuses on whether or not the production of #FossilFuels across the globe is enough to result in the raise of the surface temperature of the earth.  

Ultimately this debate over whether human behavior or natural temperature fluctuations are causing climate change determine if we should do more to prevent/stop climate change. 

The question for debate is, are humans primarily responsible for climate change?

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