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Are humans primarily responsible for #ClimateChange?

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"Human Behavior is the Cause of #ClimateChange" Jul 24, 2024

When it comes to the debate over #ClimateChange, it can be difficult for us to accept our part in causing the global warming of temperatures. The evidence, however, is irrefutable that human behavior is the predominant cause of global warming. 97% of scientists agree that climate change is occurring and 84% agree that human behavior is a direct cause of the changing climate. 

The various climate changing behaviors of humans can be detected by taking a closer look at the ocean, the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere. While many different activities create problems leading to climate change, most scientists agree that the leading cause is that humans are putting too much carbon into the atmosphere. Activities like burning coal, oil, and gas or cutting down and burning forests are all actions that emit more carbon into the environment. The link between increase in CO2 and global warming is clear evidence that human behavior is heavily attributing to climate change. 

Scientific records report that after remaining steady, the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere has increased by 30% over the last two hundred years. The large bulk of this increase having occurred since the industrial revolution. Not only do the actual behaviors of humans contribute to this increase, but there has also been a vast population increase in the past 50-100 years which has also contributed to rising CO2 levels.   

Reports from some scientists project that 100% of warming earth temperatures in the last 100 years can be attributed to human behavior and the CO2 it emits. 

Climate change as a result of human behavior is not a myth and there is a consensus among the scientific community that humans are responsible for the temperature changes being felt around the globe. We must unite together as humans and take responsibility for the effect that our behavior is having on the globe. If we do not recognize the changes our behavior is causing we will not make the necessary changes to alter our behavior and slow the rise of earth temperatures.

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