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Are humans primarily responsible for #ClimateChange?

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"We Must Change Human Behavior To Save The Planet" Jul 26, 2024

Many American’s rate #ClimateChange as an important issue that political officials should tackle as our top priority. If you don't agree, you should. 

The consensus is out, as scientists agree that human behavior is the primary driver for #GlobalWarming since 1880. Some people try to argue that global warming is a natural occurrence, similar to the many significant ice ages that have occurred throughout history, however, there is significant evidence to show that the current climate changes the world is experiencing are unprecedented. 

The temperature shifts that are being experienced have been steady and exceeding recorded historical temperatures. Since 1977, every annual average temperature has been warmer than the 20th century average. Additionally, many scientists project that without the human behaviors that are driving climate change, 13 of the 15 warmest years ever recorded would not have happened.  

Even scientists that have come up with more liberal numbers for the impact of human behavior on climate change argue that they can confidently attribute at least two thirds of the effects on the ocean and earth surface temperature to human behavior. 

Even with keeping the smaller number in mind, there is no refuting the damage that human behavior and the subsequent release of CO2 is having on the environment. CO2 holds heat, so the presence of more CO2 in the atmosphere leads to more heat, thus the warming of the earth’s surface temperature. As a result, sea levels are rising, droughts are more frequent, glaciers are melting, and storms are becoming more powerful. The effects that human behavior have caused are now far reaching and impacting people everyone. If we do not accept that human behavior is the predominant cause of climate change and begin to make the necessary changes to slow climate change, then these effects will continue unchecked.

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