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New Mexico State Issue

Can New Mexico reach its goal of 100% #carbonfreeelectricity generation by 2045?'

With the environment continuing to deteriorate, efforts to go #green by phasing out traditional methods of electricity generation are the need of the hour. The debate surrounding New Mexico’s ability to become carbon-free by 2045 is nothing new, however it has gained increasingly unprecedented importance in recent talks regarding #climatechange. Those who believe that New Mexico has the potential to be carbon-free by 2045 maintain that the state can achieve renewable energy, and that the will of the lawmakers is stronger than ever to heal the environment with its utilization. They further suggest that some incredible decisions to promote wind and solar energy have completely revolutionized the course of the state in recent times, which is a great indicator for the future of the state. 

Many find this to be an extremely ambitious dream, and that current efforts are not enough to achieve the desired results in the required timeframe. They suggest that due to the political, economic, and technological hindrances, expecting positive results regarding the desired goal is nothing but a pipe dream. They further suggest that despite having a lot of renewable resources in New Mexico, their use is not currently feasible. 

The question for debate is can New Mexico reach its goal of 100% carbon-free electricity generation by 2045?

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