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Do you back Harris' ardent support of Ukraine, or stand behind Trump's passive stance on the issue?

Score for this "Harris" opinion : 9.8

"Harris' Support for Ukraine: Securing US Safety" Aug 05, 2024

The Russia-Ukraine War is a pretty sensitive topic. And, likely all sensitive topics, it has the opinions of both leaders and masses alike split. So, it’s only to be expected that, going into the November elections, this kitchen table issue is likely going to have a major sway on how the electorates vote. And, speaking of two of the major contenders in the presidential race (and their respective ideologies on the War), we have Kamala Harris, who is all for supporting Ukraine, and former president Donald Trump, who is more or less neutral on the issue.

It's understandable (to a degree) why many Americans might see sense in Trump’s approach to this issue. The first and biggest reason that most people in favor of neutrality will cite is that this war is not at our doorstep. It’s not even on the same continent as us! So, why should we care what happens one way or another? The answer to this vital question is the same reason why Harris’s ardent support for underdog Ukraine is the right approach to this solution.

Let’s investigate this matter to determine who’s right and who might have erred on what is arguably one of the biggest global issues of the century.

The best place to start here would be to gauge Russia’s (or, more specifically, Putin’s) intent in deliberately sparking this unprovoked war. In doing so, you’ll come to one realization; even though this war seems like it’s Russia against Ukraine, it really isn’t. Rather, it’s Russia against Western civilization, and more specifically, the United States of America.

Now, if that were true, that means that we are effectively at war by proxy. The implication of this being that should Ukraine lose, the U.S. has lost as well. And what does that mean for us? It means that it’s only a matter of time before the war DOES come to our doorstep! Only this time, the enemy would be twice as emboldened and far more confident of victory. The resulting onslaught would be unimaginable. Inevitably, this brings us back to why Harris’ approach is the right take on this issue.

By giving the Ukrainian army access to the supplies it needs, Harris effectively does one thing – he keeps Putin from steam-rolling over the nation to his next big conquest. And, by ensuring that Putin is actively engaged on the Ukrainian front, Harris makes sure that the war doesn’t spread – something that is almost a given more often than not. It stands to reason that, without the support that Ukraine has been getting, this war would’ve likely escalated into a full-blown European conflict, an actuality that wouldn’t bode well for the U.S. further down the road.

Another positive and very likely predicted outcome of Harris’ support for Volodymyr Zelenskyy is that it helps effectively deplete the manpower and military resources of the Russian empire. What does this mean? It implies that not only will Russia have fewer resources at its disposal to attack other nations, but it will also put the U.S. in a considerably better position to protect our economic interests and deter China's antics in Taiwan.

Something else worth noting about Harris’s Support for Ukraine is that it actively keeps us from falling at the mercy of Russia. Think about this; so far, Russia has managed to weaponize energy into both pressuring and cornering a lot of European countries. Should they score a win and neutralize Ukraine, they can effectively drive food and gas prices higher than ever, first in Europe and ultimately in America. For those who are aware, you would know that America can ill-afford such an occurrence at this time. This means that the longer Ukraine is able to hold out, the more time we have to shore our reserves and better prepare for any worst-case scenario.

Let’s not forget the direct impact that a Ukrainian win will have on the China situation, too. As has been established, we’re in a proxy war. In the event that Russia does manage to defeat Ukraine, China may predictably interpret this as a sign of weakness on our part, spurring them to finally attack Taiwan. Once they claim Taiwan, they would have unfettered access to international commercial sea routes that could create serious problems for us. But should Ukraine win, it’ll be a subtle yet sure testament to our military might and would urge China to think twice before making any attempts on Taiwan. The delicate power balance that exists right now would be further reinforced.

But biggest of all, should Ukraine win, it would serve to show the world that we practice what we preach. It would be proof that we indeed represent freedom, economic openness, and true democracy. It would take our American values, our way of life, to the world and perhaps make it a little better for it.

From the picture that has just been painted, you would see clearly that it isn’t nearly enough to just fold your hands and see how things play out. While that might seem like the cheaper and more practical approach right now, long term, it will most certainly handicap us. Because, by the time we do decide to move in, whatever influence we exert might not be enough to sway the outcome of events.

Harris’s position on the Russia-Ukraine War shows great foresight, something that a good leader can never have too much of. What’s more, he has coupled his stance with strategic, pre-emptive action, ensuring that we have an edge both in the short and long term. He’s the epitome of what an American president should be.

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