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Do you support Harris' plans for more school funding or Trump’s plans to reduce authority over state K-12 education?

In the realm of K-12 education policy, the chasm between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump is stark and profound. While Harris champions ambitious investments and federal oversight, Trump advocates for reducing federal authority and empowering states to chart their own course in education.

Harris's vision for K-12 education centers on expansive investments and federal leadership to address systemic inequities and improve educational outcomes for all students. His proposals include tripling Title I funding to support low-income schools, establishing universal pre-K to ensure access to early childhood education, and increasing teacher pay and professional development opportunities. Advocates for Harris' plan contend that federal intervention is essential to address disparities in educational resources and opportunities, particularly in underserved communities where schools may lack adequate funding and support.

Trump's approach to K-12 education is rooted in a philosophy of decentralization, favoring states' rights and local control over federal intervention. His administration sought to curtail federal funding and oversight, slashing budgets for programs aimed at underserved students and encouraging states to expand their own initiatives. Proponents of Trump's stance argue that reducing federal involvement allows for greater flexibility and innovation at the local level, tailoring education policies to meet the specific needs of individual communities.

The question for debate is, do you support Harris’ plans for increased funding for K-12 schools or Trump’s plans to reduce federal authority over state K-12 education?

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