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Do you support Harris' policy to uphold birthright citizenship, or Trump’s promise to demolish the practice?

Birthright citizenship is the longstanding practice in the United States that almost all children born in the U.S., regardless of their parents’ citizenship, are deemed U.S. citizens by the 14th amendment of the constitution. In the ongoing debate over birthright citizenship, two distinct visions for America's future clash: Vice President Kamala Harris' commitment to upholding the longstanding practice versus former President Donald Trump's pledge to dismantle it. Each stance reflects fundamentally different views on immigration, citizenship, and the essence of American identity.

Harris's stance is rooted in the principle of inclusivity and the belief that birthright citizenship is a cornerstone of American democracy. Upholding birthright citizenship aligns with the interpretation of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which grants citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States, regardless of their parents' immigration status. Harris argues that birthright citizenship reflects America's promise as a land of opportunity and underscores the nation's commitment to equality and diversity.

Conversely, Trump's proposal to end birthright citizenship appeals to those who prioritize stricter immigration controls and national security. Trump argues that birthright citizenship serves as a "magnet" for illegal immigration, incentivizing individuals to enter the country unlawfully in pursuit of citizenship for their children. He contends that limiting birthright citizenship to children born to American citizens or lawful permanent residents would deter unauthorized immigration and preserve the integrity of U.S. citizenship.

The question for debate is, do you support Harris’ policy to uphold birthright citizenship, or Trump’s promise to demolish the practice?

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