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Massachusetts State Issue

Do you support the #BlackLivesMatter movement in Massachusetts?

"ALL LIVES MATTER" Jun 24, 2024

Statistics show that someone is killed in the city of Chicago every 14 hours, and in 70-80% of these cases, the perpetrator is Black. Yet voices are not raised, responsibilities are not taken, and no protests are made by the Black community. It seems the Black Lives Matter movement only cares about Black lives when White people are responsible for taking them, conveniently ignoring violence at the hands of Black people. 

The idea of systemic racism is itself racist, as it conjures into existence racial divides in American society. Not just Black, but all lives matter. As a society, we must discourage the inflated portrayal of violence upon Black people, when in fact, crime victimizes us all equally.

Contrary to the popular belief that #BlackLivesMatter is an organization created and run by members of the race it seeks to defend, the organization was actually created and funded by a handful of billionaires, non-profit corporations, and corporate media. These creators include George Soros (Open Society Foundation), Rob McKay (Taco Bell heir), the Ford Foundation, the Borealis Philanthropy and many others, some of whom have a long criminal record. 

In 2013 the media began portraying a rise in unjust killings of African American men at the hands of White police officers with racist motivations. The grounds on which the Black Lives Matter movement started is itself faulty since police killings of minorities has decreased by 70% over the past 40-50 years. Moreover, White police officers are demonized as unjust murderers with racist intentions, while the facts state otherwise. According to the FBI Uniform Crime Report, out of 2,925 African Americans murdered in 2018, 89% (2,600) were murdered by other African Americans. Of course, the BLM movement conveniently ignores this fact while highlighting acts of violence where Black people are victims, and not the perpetrators.

Under the banner of eliminating #racism, the creators of this campaign push policies like “Defund the Police”, “Stop The Mass Incarcerations'' and “decriminalization of drugs offenses.” In the name of stopping police violence, they seek to rectify their own perceived injustices. Drug abuse, dealing, and other crime rates are highest in African American communities, and rather than discouraging such practices with stricter regulations, they are trying to take away police interventions. This seems to be a conspiracy that will only lead America towards increased drug abuse and social crime. 

Black Lives Matter is not a response to White supremacy. What they deem to be ‘White identity politics’ is merely a rational response to such movements. Black Lives Matter will only spread the lie that there is intolerable injustice in this country, and will only result in further racial divisions, rioting, racial tension and unsafe environments for police. It is imperative that we open our eyes and reject these irrational notions that pollute the unity which forms the very foundation of our great state and country.

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