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West Virginia State Issue

Do you think the West Virginian can't wait movement is #undemocratic and overreaching?

Nearly every county of #WestVirginia (all but one) are represented by the ‘West Virginia Can’t Wait’ movement. People from all parties and independents have joined this campaign with the aspirations of working not for the lobbyists and corporations, but for the people of West Virginia.

Many candidates of the movement have been victorious in their races for U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, which depicts the popularity and influence of the campaign. Since its fruition, the movement has recruited political candidates and elected many WV representatives

The organization is believed to be a people’s entity and funded by them, where no corporate money is involved. The foundation of the platform is that #nocorporatedonations are accepted by candidates, therefore they can be unbiased and work toward the desires of the people. The platform is being called the most unique campaign in America today, and is operating to enact “Broadband for All, Prosecuting Corruption, Fixing our Roads, Full #Cannabis Legalization, Cutting #Healthcare Costs, a Workers Bill of Rights, [and] a Mountaineer Service Corps jobs program” among other goals.

Some would argue that the organization is attempting to take the place of West Virginia governing bodies. Although the WV Can’t Wait program is staffed mostly by volunteers, holding town halls, canvassing and surveying local citizens, discovering the political goals of voters are all tasks that local WV governments should be doing. The presence of this organization may discourage political candidates, leaders, and lawmakers from seeking the desires of the people and becoming more apathetic about pleasing their constituents because the work is being done for them. It should be the responsibility of governing bodies to be “by the people and for the people” since that is what they are paid to do.

Parties opposing the WV Can’t Wait movement see it as a populist, progressive movement that will result in bigger government. A common fear associated with bigger government is a larger influence on individual freedom and lives, integrating federal and state laws with personal preferences and choices. Some believe that an additional political movement such as WV Can’t Wait may be the beginning of government overreach and pushing socialist agendas, which many Americans oppose.

The question for debate, do you think the West Virginian Can't Wait Movement is undemocratic and overreaching?

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