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West Virginia State Issue

Do you think the West Virginian can't wait movement is #undemocratic and overreaching?

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"It’s not necessary" Jun 17, 2024

The Can’t Wait movement is a political force that aims to revamp government policies. Political Science is an area of study designed to educate governing hopefuls on the intricacies of writing laws and governing citizens. The average American citizen likely understands the balance of power between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, but they do not know how to write a bill that can be passed through congress. The WV Can’t Wait movement is attempting to take the decision making away from educated #experts who have studied the law and give it to anyone on the street. Much like the #FrenchRevolution, this could cause chaos and the breakdown of civilized society.

WV Can’t Wait say they are against lobbying, yet are a form of lobbying themselves. The organization takes donations from people and promotes political candidates of their choosing into government in order to work for them and make decisions based on their agenda. Their platforms seek to involve the government in every aspect of the lives of US Citizens and taking away individual freedoms. WV Can’t Wait means more governing bodies, more individuals’ opinions influencing legislation that affects everyone, and bigger government. 

If Can’t Wait representatives are pushing the agenda to elect the candidates and make the laws, political hopefuls and elected officials won’t be canvassing actual citizens to find out what the people want, they will be trusting their Can’t Wait contacts to feed them the information and pass it on. What is stopping them from pushing a liberal progressive agenda that actually doesn’t represent the people?

The United States is notorious for having the #best government system in the world and it has worked since 1776. As the saying goes, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” West Virginia Can’t Wait is a political overreach that is attempting to gain political influence without going through the proper channels. It’s just another grab at power that threatens our current process which has stood the test of time. This organization is unnecessary and should be disbanded. Leave the politics to the politicians.


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