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Texas State Issue

Does a permitless open carry #gun law protect or endanger Texas after a natural disaster?

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"The inherent #right for self-preservation" Jun 02, 2024

In times of crisis and disasters, resources become scarce and people are subjected to severe hardships. It is expected that in those trying times, people will tend to fight over scarce resources for survival. Thus, in the case of such events, people have an inherent right to protect themselves in any manner possible. That it is an unalienable right for someone to have the capability of preventing harm to befall his or her person. 

The great equalizer of strength in this day and age is the gun. Through this weapon, anyone can effectively protect themselves from harm. Which is why in the 2nd amendment, it is expressed that owning firearms is a right not afforded by the government but inherently acquired by birth.

Thus, in the great state of Texas, during natural disasters or periods of turmoil and unrest, allowing people to open carry #guns is understandable. The sight of a firearm is not only a threat but a deterrent to would-be criminals. It is like the horns of a moose, proudly displayed to fend off attackers. 

The state of Texas passed the bill that allows Texans to carry guns in the aftermath of a natural disaster. This is to protect themselves and their property from would-be looters and criminals. 

Those opposed state that loosening gun restrictions is only emboldening gangs to arm themselves and cause more problems. However, guns are capable of not only inflicting harm but to prevent, deter and eliminate actual threats in society. Texans now have the capability of defending themselves in times of emergency. Long rifles such as AR-15s require special “carry” licenses, which the bill relaxes for 48 hours in the aftermath of a disaster.  

Protection is an inherent right for people and congress should always work not to curtail it but to prevent it from being restricted. Gun laws in various states aim to regulate the carrying of guns in public areas to avoid mishaps, yet during emergencies, when guns are needed more for protection, the full power of the 2nd amendment must be easily practiced by Americans.

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