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Colorado State Issue

Has the legalization of #marijuana helped or hurt Colorado?

#Marijuana is also known as weed, herb, pot, ganja, bud, Mary Jane, and a vast number of terms; it has been one of the most commonly abused substances for decades. Colorado is one of the pioneering states in legalizing #Marijuana due to the cultural affinity the state has for it. Previously, possession and distribution of #Marijuana could result in an arrest and potential charges. In 2012, Colorado Amendment 64 was passed by voters for legalization starting 2014; this led to the tourism of cannabis

Since its legalization, it has created a tremendous increase in revenue. Taxes are levied on legal dispensaries for the sales of the product for both medical and recreational purposes, and has recorded huge success so far. It is a large driver of tourism to the state, further increasing revenue over time.

This has not come without its challenges as there has been a proportional increase to the intoxication cases in hospitals related to the use of the drug and an increase of citations for driving under the influence.

There is often a downside to every situation, so to properly determine whether or not the legalization of #Marijuana has been helpful or hurtful, one has to meticulously weigh both the pros and cons with potential long-term effects.

So, considering the various positive and negative effects of the use of the drug so far, has the legalization of #Marijuana helped or hurt Colorado?

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