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Local Nashville Issue

If Freddie O'Connell was elected, would they be a good mayor for Nashville? #NashvilleMayor

Score for this "No" opinion : 9.0


Freddie O’Connell – Not The Future Nashville Needs

" Jun 24, 2023

The duties of the mayor have been somewhat watered down over the years. Still, there is no doubt this office is pivotal for the smooth operation as well as the continued existence of most cities. Needless to say, this is a fundamental reason why the character, person, and substance of whoever will be elected into this office must never be taken lightly.

#Nashville happens to be one of the few cities that are looking to fill the position of mayor of the city this time around. And, considering that the incumbent mayor has opted to not run for office again, the fact remains that the denizens of the city have to put in extra effort when choosing who comes next.

As is only to be expected, a lot of interesting personalities have thrown their hats into the ring. One name in particular that stands out is that of Freddie O’Connell. A Nashville-born and raised citizen, the incumbent member of the Nashville Metro Council paints an attractive figure as the next mayor of the city. And, from all indications, he’s a shoo-in to win too.

But does that mean he’s the right man for the job?


Let’s consider the homeless situation in Music City for example.

Anyone who’s even remotely familiar with the situation of things in the city will readily testify to the fact that the homelessness crisis in Nashville isn’t exactly a recent trend. Essentially, Nashville has always had a homelessness problem. However, that does little to change the fact that things have gotten considerably worse over the last few years.

A recent study that was released in May 2023 indicates that the number of homeless people in the state has shot up by a staggering 11% since 2022! But that’s not the worst part. What’s truly scary is that these figures are projected to get even higher by the end of the year if the current trajectory is maintained.

But how does this concern O’Connell, exactly?

Well, since assuming office as a member of the Nashville Metro Council in 2015, he has chaired the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Oversight Committee, worked on the Metro Homeless Impact Division program and several other initiatives directly and indirectly tied to the homelessness situation. Yet, we still find ourselves in the dire straits that we are in at the moment. He has essentially had minimal (if any) impact in the grand scheme of things.

Freddie O’Connell talks a big game, there can be no contesting that fact. But, when it comes to actually delivering on that front, it’s also clear that he’s a little lacking.

If you’re saying that one situation isn’t enough to cast judgment over the guy, I’m personally more than happy to cede you that point. So, let’s look at another classic instance that very distinctly shows the potential failings of this individual in principal leadership roles.

Nashville currently boasts nearly half a million residents with several times that number moving in and around the city. While these numbers might be insignificant, especially when compared to what many other major cities in the country have to cater to, the fact remains that the region is growing seriously, numerically. What this translates to in essence is that the city could benefit greatly from a more refined and expansive transit system.

Yet, no one in power has made significant efforts to address this concern.

Freddie O’Connell has served as both Chair as well as a board member on the city’s transportation system network. And, to this very day, there is not one single appreciable benefit we can point at for all of those years of service.

Now, the big question is this: can we or should we trust such a sensitive position and responsibility to this type of individual?

Answering the above question honestly is very important because there is no room for error at this point in time. On many levels, the bitter truth is that Nashville is little more than a sinking ship at the moment.

For sure, what we would all like is to have a mayor who will assume office and make an instant impact. But, the truth is that might be too much to hope for from anyone at this point. But even with that, we would still like to entrust one of the most central offices in the city to someone who we can be sure will exert appreciable influence over the trajectory of the city’s future.

With nearly a decade in service to the city already, O’Connell has clearly shown that he is not the right candidate for the job of mayor. With him in office, the city will only survive (at best), not thrive.

Nashville needs a leader who can take the initiative and won’t be afraid to get things done.

Nashville needs a leader who can help the city unleash its true potential.

Nashville needs a better mayor than O’Connell.

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