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Texas State Issue

Is a ban on #toll collection on urban roads in Texas justified?

Roads and transportation are a major part of any urban infrastructure. To maintain these in top condition, organizations need huge amounts of funding. This funding is realized primarily by levying toll charges and in the form of revenue bonds. To actualize funding by means of toll charges for urban traffic in Texas, there are road tax laws and Federal acts in place. In fact there are clear statutes about different roads all over the State - which fall under the bounds of toll charges and which do not.

Much to citizens’ chagrin however, the tolling system in the State of Texas appears disorganized and haphazard to users. Most people complain about being doubly taxed in the process. Citizens may feel taken advantage of by paying for their right to drive in the form of fines, arbitrary taxation, and vehicle registration problems to name a few. The overwhelming voice of citizens is that they feel ‘abused and violated’ under the current tolling structure in the State and want a ban on tolls.

Any change in laws has to take into account upsides and downsides and negotiate a way to balance the system. Sustainable revenue generation is vital to maintaining roads in urban settings, which is what toll roads do. However, toll roads in Texas are increasingly becoming a source of discontent for users who feel they are parting with significant earnings on tolls. The demand to ban toll roads is gaining momentum, and there have been government bill proposals to do away with toll roads once they are paid off.

Lawmakers are faced with the conundrum of banning tolls to make it easier for commuters as opposed to continuing them to fund maintenance. There was a time when there was underfunding in the transportation sector, necessitating tolls. With increased funding for transportation recently, is it now time to consider a ban on toll roads for Texans?

So, the debate is, is a ban on toll collection on urban roads in Texas justified?

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