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New Jersey State Issue

Is human contribution to #globalwarming making New Jersey’s storm season worse?

"Weak proof that #globalwarming is caused by humans" Jun 03, 2024

In their 1970 Earth Day edition, Life Magazine stated, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half”. The reality is that air quality was already improving in major cities around the United States and air quality continued to improve after 1970 through today.

There is a difference between fear and facts, and this is also the case with the concept of "human contribution to global warming", and how it impacts our beloved New Jersey. We hear that fear from far-left climate-change preacher Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, such as her statement “The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.”

There is also fear after we hear that 97% of scientists agree that humans contribute to climate change, but as this article shows it should be viewed with as much distrust as a strongman leader’s 97% reelection result. The problem is there is almost a cult-like approach to the issue, and anyone who disagrees gets cancelled. 

The creation of this enforced orthodoxy is what leads a fanatic looking for purpose, instead of a thoughtful scientific discussion. It could lead New Jersey and the U.S. to crash our economy more than it already has recently, or worse we become like the like the Germans who became hopelessly dependent on energy from Putin and his criminal regime. 

There are some scientists that are skeptical with man’s impact on global warming, saying climate change has been going on since the beginning of time. They've also claimed the dangers of a warming planet are being wildly exaggerated and question the impact that fossil fuels have had on climate change.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a U.N. body, put out a report that showed there have been no trend in both frequency or intensity of hurricanes or other natural disasters. Even with increased CO2 emissions, there's been slight declines in hurricane activity.

Cliff Mass is a voice of reason that takes a critical look at the climate change hysterical culture. He is a professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington, and he breaks down what is actually going on with hurricanes. An example is Hurricane Ida, a Category 4 hurricane that caused significant damage in Louisiana. Mainstream media blamed Hurricane Ida on global warming, but the reality is the water temperatures were actually COOLER than normal where Ida started to intensify (south of Cuba). The bottom line, warmer than normal water was not the key to the development and intensification of Hurricane Ida. The Gulf of Mexico is pretty much always warm enough to support the rapid strengthening of tropical disturbances.   

For New Jersey, hurricanes are a natural occurrence, and there has never been any real evidence to prove #climatechange and the the rise in the warm sea waters and hurricanes. This is alarmist science, carried out by scientists who cherry pick facts and don't provide a full picture.

Temperature and weather fluctuations is and has been Earth's history, there is no cause for panic in New Jersey or anywhere else.

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