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Oregon State Issue

Is Oregon’s new Climate Protection Program an effective #climatechange measure?

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"Cap emissions, we need fresh air more than trucks" Jul 17, 2024

Oregon’s Climate Protection Plan makes diesel, gasoline, and other fossil fuels more expensive, pushing businesses to shift to more environmentally friendly alternatives. This is a positive, beneficial move towards combating climate change that should be celebrated. Truckers and businesses alike are finding it difficult to swallow, however; but the reality is that Oregon should have made the decision long before now.

California is already at the forefront of environmental preservation and has raised $12.5 billion since 2012 in state revenue for its efforts. With the Climate Protection Plan, the prices of the fuels will increase and companies will have to pay for the greenhouse gas emissions erupting from their products. 

The new plan doesn't seem practical to many, especially to those whose entire business relies on these fuels. However, this plan open doors in several aspects. For example, necessity breeds innovation. An increase in prices will make it difficult for businesses to purchase fuel, leading to the development of new methods and resources with clean and sustainable energy as their backbone, such as solar and wind energy. 

“The warming climate is marching its way to Oregon, and it’s at our front door,"  said Keith Wilson, President of Titan Freight. “We have to act right now, and I feel responsible.” Wilson has 44 trucks that emit about 300 tons of greenhouse gases each year. But now with this plan, he might switch to a different alternative where he will contribute less in polluting the environment.

Businesses aside, the hike in prices of gasoline and diesel will compel the populace to drive less. Ideally they’ll stay closer to homes for errands and shopping. Less driving in theory means more walking and cycling or possibly switching altogether to electric cars. This will contribute a lot to maintaining a healthy environment and a healthy lifestyle too.

We all have to pay a price to conserve the world we live in for the next generations. The businesses that this proposal affects will simply need to adapt and overcome, or otherwise pay for the permits. The talks of climate change and the need for sustainable energy sources are nothing new, and frankly these businesses should have been preparing for a transition like this long before now.

There is no debate. Our planet’s future takes priority over the profits of a few businesses. Oregon should feel proud that it has taken the initiative by implementing the Climate Protection Plan.

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