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Oregon State Issue

Is Oregon’s new Climate Protection Program an effective #climatechange measure?

Score for this "No" opinion :
Score is TBD

"An uneven trade that is hurting the working-class " Jun 24, 2024

Oregon’s Climate Protection Plan is doing more harm than good. With the country already experience fuel price increases in 2022, Oregon fuel prices are going even higher because of the CPP. It is impacting working-class families who are already struggling financially. This includes small truck company owners and workers in rural population that are suffering a great deal. Plans like these should have first considered the long-term effects and ensure their sustainability for the populace as a whole.

CPP implementation is threatening potential closures of needed companies that rely on fossil fuels. Agricultural businesses are also facing a huge economic setback. Can we afford to continue throw this already suffering population under the bus?  The more important question being, is the CPP the best possible plan of action, and has this been the right time to implement it?

CPP was aimed at dissuading the general population from fossil fuels to clean energy by increasing their cost. The point not taken into consideration is that amidst the financial crisis, people can't easily switch to pricey alternatives. The proposal is not viable, at least not for people trying to make their ends meet just after a global pandemic.

Long-term environmental sustainability, though desirable, should not come at the cost of the jobs of the citizens. Rural and non-metro areas are hurting, and if Oregon is truly "woke" then we are all accountable to help these people. The focus now should be on ways to provide relief to those are struggling in the recession.

The state should also fund research and mass production of electric and green energy vehicles and appliances. Going forward, it should make sure that the transition from fossil fuels to green energy has minimal negative effect on the population. A comprehensive, well-though out plan addressing the concerns of working-class families is the only way forward.

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