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Should hard core drugs in Seattle be #decriminalized, or should there be enforcement with gross misdemeanors? 

In September 2023, the Seattle City Council finally voted to pass legislation that allows the City Attorney's Office to prosecute public drug use cases. The 6-3 council vote approved an ordinance that makes the use or possession of controlled substances a gross misdemeanor within the city. This has been a highly controversial topic in the city, as the council initially voted in June 2023 to not allow city prosecution of public drug use cases, basically decriminalization of hard core drugs. 

Supporters of drug decriminalization believe it allows individuals struggling with addiction to seek treatment without fear of criminal repercussions. However, it is crucial to ensure the availability and accessibility of comprehensive rehabilitation and treatment programs. Advocates often cite Portugal as a successful model of drug decriminalization. As a case study, their policies have resulted in reducing drug-related deaths and HIV transmission rates by allocating resources to address the underlying issues of addiction, including mental health support, counseling services, and long-term rehabilitation options. 

Supporters of enforcing drug laws are concerned about the normalization and increased availability of drugs in the city, leading to higher rates of substance abuse and overall crime in neighborhoods. They believe that a comprehensive approach to drug control is necessary including enforcing gross misdemeanors for people that openly using hard drugs in public. They want targeted law enforcement efforts to disrupt drug trafficking networks, educational programs on the risks of substance abuse, and prevention initiatives that promote healthy lifestyles and provide alternatives to drug use. 

The question for debate is, should hard core drugs in Seattle be decriminalized or should there be enforcement of gross misdemeanors? 

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