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National & World Issue

Is the United States currently a #Christian Nation?

Religion is a core part of human society. In the United States of America today, Christianity happens to be the predominant religion practiced. This isn't a recent development either, as there is clear evidence that the nation has been on this path almost since inception. However, the question on whether or not the U.S. is currently a Christian nation is a contentious one.

Supporters showcase various elements that lend credence to the notion that the United States is, by and large, a Christian nation, including the fact that, even as recently as 1954, the Pledge of Allegiance was officially changed to include the words "under God". The national motto is even “In God We Trust,” which also happened in the 1950s. Current believers that the U.S. is a Christian Nation look at our Government, and see a rise in Christian Nationalist rhetoric, which is encouraging this narrative further.

Opponents showcase the words of Thomas Jefferson. As a supporter of religious freedom, the former president said, "It does me no injury for my neighbor to believe in twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my legs." Opponents also point out that the U.S. stands as the first country in the entire world to abolish religious disqualifications with respect to holding civil office. There are many laws that codify the separation of Church and State, to indicate that the Country and the Government itself, are not governed or influenced by the church.

So the question becomes, is the United States a Christian nation?

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