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California State Issue

Is the water crisis in California simply a failure of the state #government to act or is it due to #overpopulation?

For years, the state of California has been stuck in a complex web of water problems worsened by the recent droughts. One of the most notable reasons for California’s water woes is being attributed to the draining of 125 million acre-feet of groundwater in the Central Valley from 1920 to 2013. Equivalent to 41 trillion gallons of water, it would be like everyone on Earth a 30-year supply of fresh water. Drinking water problems are rampant in the entire state, but a large number of the declining water systems are located in Central Valley. Contributing factors include the rural nature of the area, heavy use of fertilizers and the creation of dairy farms, among others.

Overpopulation, which is a global problem, is a huge contributor to the #water crisis in California, who’s estimated population is over 39 million. Water is the most essential element on Earth and without it, living things could not survive. A rise in population means higher demands for water, as well as food, clothing, housing, infrastructure, and more. When there are no proper regulations for water resources as the population continues to grow, it has a domino effect on basic needs and conveniences. California has been known as the agricultural state for over 50 years, producing a large part of the country’s vegetables, fruits and nuts. However, there is a threat to agricultural production due to water scarcities caused by overpopulation and water pollution.

The Federal Government has implemented extensive measures to limit water usage, especially during droughts, and has built large-scale desalination and water recycling facilities. There are also calls for water conservation and pollution prevention including stiff fines for violators. Will these measures be enough?

Some would argue that it all boils down to the Government’s lack of action to solve its water problems, while others believe that the growing population is the root cause. So here is the question for debate: Is the water crisis in California simply a failure of the State Government to act or is it due to overpopulation?

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