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Minnesota State Issue

Is urbanization encroaching too much on Minnesota's #agriculture?

The state of Minnesota has an agriculture-centric economy. Therefore, associated activities such as crop production and livestock rearing business is an identifiable culture.

However, there has been evidence of urbanization in the state, meaning agricultural land is being converted to urban development. Rural areas are beginning to give way to more developed towns and cities. There are contrasting views that urbanization is negatively or positively impacting Minnesotan agriculture.

Agriculture preservationists believe that Minnesota is losing valuable, cultivable land with the expansion of urban activities and planning. There are concerns that urban expansion could threaten land that is considered "Nationally Significant" in food production.

The loss of valuable farmlands to various other domains shows that there is a distinct lack of attention to agriculture preservation planning and policymaking. Critics state that while the state of Minnesota has some effective plans in place, the absence of centralized policymaking and agency for farmland preservation is causing urban encroachment.

Those in favor of development in the rural areas believe that the blurring lines between urban and rural areas is opening Minnesota up to new citizens from other states, which is having a positive impact on the economy in those areas. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) provides regular reporting on Agricultural Land Preservation to keep the public and policy makers informed. 

Many believe that if the state extends support to farmers with subsidized taxes for working farm areas along with other facilitative policies, then urbanization may not be as large of a threat. The encroachment of agricultural lands is a multifaceted issue with many factors into play and many parts need to be considered.

Is urbanization encroaching too much on Minnesota's agriculture?

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