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South Dakota State Issue

Nov 2022, State Ballot Initiated Measure 27: Should South Dakota legalize recreational #marijuana?

Marijuana has long been a contentious topic in America, now slowly finding resolution in several states. South Dakota is now part of the nationwide discussion to legalize and decriminalize #marijuana. In November 2022, South Dakota will decide whether they want marijuana legal in the state by voting on Initiated Measure 27.

Marijuana was first banned in South Dakota in 1933. Since then, marijuana has been prohibited in the state, despite recent studies showing its benefits when used medically. Unlike a 2020 proposed constitutional amendment known as Amendment A that passed at the ballot box and was struck down by the South Dakota Supreme Court, Measure 27 would not establish a tax or a regulatory structure for commercial marijuana operations.

Those who are against legalization state that marijuana at present is already abused; how much will that increase once legalized? Though medical marijuana requires prescription, the sudden influx of cannabis in the state may increase the number of abuse cases. They also believe that marijuana is a gateway drug leading to increased usage of other substances, increased crime, and the ingestion of cannabis does not actually have beneficial properties.

Those who point out the medicinal properties of marijuana claim that the blanket prohibition on the substance prevents any kind of research on its beneficial properties. According to recent studies, marijuana has numerous uses/benefits in treating chronic pain, seizures, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition, marijuana could be a much needed addition to the economy, creating jobs with an increase in demand.

The question for debate, should South Dakota legalize marijuana for recreational use by voting for Measure 27?

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