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Regarding the conflict between Israel and Palestine, who do you believe has a better approach, Trump or Harris?

Score for this "Harris" opinion : 9.0

"Harris' diplomatic approach offers hope" May 22, 2024

The stance taken by U.S. administrations after one another is crucial in determining the direction that peace attempts take in the always tense field of Israeli-Palestinian relations. In this complex geopolitical environment, the question of which candidate, Trump or Harris, has a stronger approach emerges. Upon analyzing the complex approaches utilized by these individuals, it is apparent that the Biden/Harris administration's approach to diplomacy presents a more auspicious route for settling this protracted dispute.

The Trump administration brought about a dramatic change in U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, moving away from the custom of acting as an unbiased mediator. An already volatile situation was made even more volatile by the Trump administration's overt support for Israeli interests, which was demonstrated by actions such as moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and acknowledging Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Although these moves may have made Trump more popular with some Israelis and their supporters, they further strained relations with the Palestinian people and reduced faith in the United States as an impartial peace broker.

On the other hand, the Biden/Harris administration has adopted a far more sensible and impartial stance regarding the Israeli-Palestinian issue. His government has consistently stated that it is in favor of a two-state solution, acknowledging the rightful desires of both Israelis and Palestinians to live in security and peace. Through his support of universal equality and respect for human rights, regardless of origin or race, Harris has demonstrated her dedication to promoting a more comprehensive and long-lasting peace process.

The Biden/Harris administration's strategy stands out for its emphasis on multilateral diplomacy and engagement with regional stakeholders. Recognizing that lasting peace requires the support of all parties, the administration has worked to rebuild trust with longstanding allies and forge new relationships with emerging actors in the region. This broader coalition-building approach offers a more comprehensive framework for addressing the root causes of the conflict, as evidenced by initiatives to revive the Iran nuclear deal and advance normalization agreements between Israel and Arab states.

Furthermore, their nuanced approach to divisive topics like settlements and Jerusalem's status shows a deep understanding of the difficulties involved. They have supported Israel's right to self-defense while simultaneously denouncing expansionist strategies and unilateral acts that jeopardize peace efforts. By declining to support contentious policies like unilateral annexation and settlement growth, they have positioned the United States as a constructive participant in the search for an equitable and sustainable resolution.

Central to the Biden/Harris administration's strategy is an unwavering commitment to upholding human rights norms and international law. In stark contrast to Trump, who often disregarded international consensus and legal opinions, Harris recognizes the value of adhering to established conventions and agreements. By resuming support for vulnerable populations and addressing the humanitarian aspects of the conflict, they have demonstrated willingness to collaborate with multilateral organizations like UNRWA and restore aid to Palestinian refugees, further bolstering the credibility of their approach.

Although there are no quick fixes to the Israeli-Palestinian problem, the Biden/Harris administration's strategy provides some hope amid deep mistrust and animosity. They have set the stage for a more positive and long-lasting peace process by emphasizing diplomacy over unilateralism, inclusivity over exclusion, and adherence to international law over ad hoc actions. Let us support Harris’ vision of a future governed by the values of justice, equality, and respect for all, in which Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side in peace and prosperity while the rest of the world watches with bated breath.

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