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Washington State Issue

Should a no #shooting zone be established in Snohomish county to prevent accidental injury and property damage?

Recreational shooting is legal in Snohomish County but community concerns arose when stray bullets hit a residential area in a neighboring county in the summer of 2020. Stray bullets, though not intended to cause harm or injury can not only cause property damage but can also result in serious injuries to residents. The prospect of accidental injury due to recreational shooting can make community members very uncomfortable and fearful, causing people to spend more time in doors and prohibiting children from outside play.

After a September 2020 incident where stray bullets interrupted a backyard barbeque which shattered a sliding glass door, Snohomish County established a “no shoot” zone as an emergency ordinance. This prevents recreational shooting from taking place near residential areas where there are homes, pets, and children.

The question for debate: is the establishment of a no-shoot zone in the neighboring county the right move to prevent accidental injury and property damage?

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