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Should #abortion be legal?

January 1973 was a watershed moment in the history of abortion in America. The Supreme Court's ruling in the Roe v. Wade case rescinded all previous state laws that criminalized #abortion. Instead, it laid down guidelines based on the fetus' viability and different parameters based on how many trimesters the mother has completed. Fast foward to June 2022, almost five decades later, the supreme court overturned Roe v. Wade. Now, States were free to make their own laws regarding the legalities of abortion.

Proponents of legal abortion believe it is necessary if #genderequality is to be achieved. While two people are often necessary in the process to get pregnant, only one person is carrying a fetus. Proponents believe it is the woman's right to choose what to do with her body. Additionally, a woman has a right to privacy and it should not matter what the reason for the abortion is, that if she wants to have one performed, she is within her right to do so without involvement from the government.

Those against legal abortion believe that life begins at conception, and abortion takes away the unborn fetus' right to life. They also believe that since men play a role in the reproduction process, they should have a say in the matter, insisting that the man involved should be required to give his permission to abort the child. Additionally, even if the woman does not wish to raise the child, she could still carry the baby to full term, and then give it up for adoption. Another common refrain is that aborting a child has a devastating psychological impact on the woman who is likely to live the rest of her life in regret.

The question for debate is, should abortion be legal?

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