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Should #abortion be legal?

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"A procedure that is both anti-life & anti-science" Jul 24, 2024

We justify so many of our actions on the premise of something being a life or death situation. Isn't is ironic that when it comes to actual “life” and “death” of an individual, we tend to indulge into arguments. The idea of protecting a “life” surpasses every other argument, which is why abortion should not be legal.

On what condition does a person get away with a #murder? If it's self defense. That is how important the value of life is and how important the notion of self defense is. So why is a fetus, with a life of its own but not strong enough to defend itself, deprived of this protection? From the very start of this debate, the pro-choice argument has capitalized on science in a selective way to endorse their stance. However, that very science is now providing a better argument for pro-life.

While there are so many moral grounds to oppose legalizing abortion, science alone can be a foundation of a pro-life argument. Understanding of fetal development and advancements in medical techniques and shown us how alive a fetus actually is inside the womb. For the longest time, the pro-life message has found its basis in the notion that a fetus has life and that life is worthy of rights which all the humans have. And the more we learn, the more we see that science can clearly support this position.

The parents today can be a witness to the developments of their child with their own eyes, thanks to science. The ultrasound does not just give pictures of the fetus, but can show videos of their child in the womb, yawning, hiccupping, flexing their tiny arms and even smiling; at just eighteen weeks.

While the pro-choice argument represents the fetus as an extension of the mother’s body, arguing that she should be entitled to choose. However, the fetus has a DNA of its own, which makes the baby a completely different being from the mother. This should be enough to consider that it is not just the woman and her body in question. This DNA incorporates an absolute design that is not only responsible for guiding the development within the womb but also for the inherited traits that appear during the course of this human’s life.

Colleen Malloy is a neonatologist and one of many doctors who have been a part of this political debate. She has given statements in front of legislative bodies, claiming that a fetus can experience physical suffering within the womb. 

The unborn baby or the fetus “not” being a person is categorically an unscientific notion that has nothing to do with science, but has everything to do with the political and moral philosophy of a person. Abortion should be illegal to protect the life that is unable to protect itself.

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