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Arkansas State Issue

Should Arkansas lessen their #abortion restrictions?

Prior to gaining clearance to have an #abortion performed, women living in Arkansas have a lengthy process that they have to go through. The state has enacted measures to curb abortions as a way of protecting human life. Arkansas has some of the most strict legislations regarding abortion restrictions, it is currently illegal to have an abortion except in cases where the mother's life is in danger. Victims of rape who want to abort must travel to another state in order have an abortion. 

One of the biggest points of contention is when life begins. Some people believe life begins at conception, others at first signs of a heart beat, and some at first breath. Abortion still remains a controversial debate in Arkansas. Different groups and individuals living in Arkansas feel that there is need for the state to lessen the formalities surrounding the abortion process. However some feel that it is vital for these formalities to stay in place, as to protect the unborn child.

The question for debate is, should Arkansas lessen their abortion restrictions?

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