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Arkansas State Issue

Should Arkansas prioritize creating more programs to prevent crime, or punishing #youthcrime?

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"Create programs to help the youth" Jul 22, 2024

Incarceration is not the answer for Arkansas youths. Once incarcerated, these children are exposed to more dangerous people and ideas than they would have been outside of a jail cell.

To solve this problem, we must tackle the root of the cause directly; unemployment and education. Trimming the branches and not the roots will only result in these children perpetuating bad habits that will be carried on to adulthood.

Without outlets such as school-related activities and programs, community service, and part-time jobs, youths find it more difficult to avoid behaviors like drug use, premarital sex, and crimes. With this in mind, it is more beneficial to them for us to create and develop more community programs that can enrich their lives.

As the state prepares them for their personal future, they are also preparing the state’s future economy. Children are indeed our future. We have to teach them well while they are still young. They need guidance and proper education, and to achieve that, parents must step in to light their path.

Due to the economic circumstances that these parents may be under, state intervention might also be necessary. By surrounding youths with love and support, their confidence will be boosted. They will all be inspired to do better for themselves and their families and contribute to their respective communities. 

So yes, #Arkansas should focus on creating more programs to help foster and develop youth than to crack down on youth crime.

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