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California State Issue

Should California #ban gas-powered vehicles by 2035 to curb #climatechange?

Score for this "YES" opinion :
Score is TBD

"Ban #gas vehicles in California" Jul 31, 2024

Gas vehicles are used in every part of the world. Gasoline, petrol, and diesel are petroleum-derived flammable substances that are primarily used to power a vehicle when poured into the combustion engines. Burning gas emits toxic pollutants, which include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, smog-forming pollutants, and benzene, which can be extremely dangerous to people's health and are a rapid catalyst of climate change. 

Gas-powered vehicles have caused more harm than good to the climate in California and the world at large. Records show that burning fuels in the combustion engine of vehicles accounts for about 27% of the greenhouse gas emissions that quicken the change in climate in California.

While fighting climate change may involve many initiatives and strategies, a proposition to eliminate some of the leading proponents of greenhouse gases is an essential move. The proposed vision to eliminate combustion engines in favor of battery-powered alternatives may not be an easy vision to achieve. However, communicating and projecting the vision to the general public, is a good way to get everyone focused on the same goal.

The magnitude of the effects of climate change is immense. There may be some who will want to oppose the proposition to ban gas vehicles, but these people are even more ill-prepared for the tremendous effect that comes with climate change as a result of the use of combustion engines. Though it appears to be slow and gradual, once it hits a certain stage our activities and way of life will be drastically altered.

The transportation sector is one of the largest sources of carbon emission, causing massive amounts of toxic air pollution. The emission from gas vehicles can overload the earth with carbon dioxide which can increase the rate of and bolster natural disasters like severe storms, weather events, and droughts. Considerations like these have drawn attention to the transport sector in the fight to curb climate change.

It’s clear the question merits a resounding yes; California should ban gas vehicles by 2035.

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