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California State Issue

Should California increase #taxes to provide more #healthcare coverage to those who are without insurance?

Score for this "YES" opinion : 7.6

"A positive step for everyone’s #healthcare" Jul 18, 2024

The State of California has taken another step towards making healthcare accessible to all. The decision to ensure healthcare for the middle class is commendable. For this purpose, increasing taxes is justified.

This step will tackle a significant issue hundreds of thousands of people face in California. Middle-income citizens do not qualify for federal tax aid for enrolling in health insurance. Unfortunately for most, their income is not sufficient to buy health insurance without subsidies. They don’t qualify for government aid programs and cannot afford insurance independently. It leaves many people without health insurance, without which they cannot afford medication for life-threatening acute and chronic diseases. At its core, this is what is wrong with the present system.

No one should have to choose between food and medicines, but unfortunately, many Californians face this choice. To ensure that this class has access to healthcare, California will offer subsidies to middle-income citizens. This is a massive step towards relief for the lower and middle classes.

To provide the citizens with quality services and facilities, the state has to charge taxes and increase them as needed. Healthcare is a basic human need. The government must raise taxes if necessary to ensure its access to all. Pinpointing crucial areas where work is required to be done and spending taxpayer’s money efficiently is precisely the job meant to be performed by the state and to ensure that every citizen is provided with the necessities.

California has made health insurance a requirement and is working to implement universal healthcare. This expansion plan holds immense value and is another step towards ensuring everyone has the means to be taken care of. 

If it proves successful, other states will surely follow suit. This step raises hope to get America out of its healthcare crisis.

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