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Should colleges be able to take race into consideration for admissions? #AffirmativeAction 

As seen in the aftermath of the 2023 U.S. Supreme Court decision, the topic of race consideration in college admissions is a contentious debate. To actively consider race is called affirmative action, which is a policy aimed at increasing workplace and educational opportunities for people who are underrepresented in various areas of our society. Supporters of affirmative action argue that considering race in college admissions is necessary to address the systemic barriers and historical disadvantages faced by marginalized communities. By actively seeking to create diverse student bodies, colleges can foster a more inclusive learning environment that exposes students to different perspectives and prepares them for the multicultural world they will enter upon graduation. Additionally, proponents contend that affirmative action policies can help break the cycle of inequality by providing opportunities to underrepresented groups and promoting social mobility.

Opponents of affirmative action raise concerns about the potential for reverse discrimination and the erosion of merit-based admissions. They argue that college admissions should be solely based on individual qualifications, achievements, and potential, regardless of race or ethnicity. Critics claim that considering race in admissions can unfairly disadvantage certain individuals who may be equally or more deserving of admission based on their qualifications. They contend that a truly meritocratic system would provide a level playing field where applicants are evaluated solely on their abilities and accomplishments.

The question for debate is, should colleges be able to take race into consideration for admissions?

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