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Colorado State Issue

Should Colorado fully fund full-day #kindergarten and #preschool?

The notion of preschoolers in Colorado enjoying little to no educational cost is not entirely new. It became a widespread topic of discussion in 2017 when Jared Polis, as part of his governorship campaign manifestos, announced his intention to provide free preschool and full-day kindergarten to all kids in Colorado.

Before the law, which kicked off in May of 2019, preschools in Colorado had received only partial funding and were not mandated to run full-day kindergarten programs. While the current law still allows for the latter part of the former method to persist, Colorado schools have been banned from receiving tuition from parents for pre-primary education. The development has been met with diverse opinions. While the idea of free education seems great, and the enhancement of social and emotional skills is mentioned as one of the many benefits preschool affords, critics are concerned about its implications on the state's finances. Moreover, it is believed that preschool education is not a state responsibility.

The question posed for debate is, should the state of Colorado fund full-day kindergarten and preschool?

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