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Colorado State Issue

Should Colorado fully fund full-day #kindergarten and #preschool?

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"The benefits of funding full-day preschool" Jun 28, 2024

Several studies have been done to determine the advantages of full-day schooling for kids in preschool. Some of these studies have shown how full-day classes can improve the literacy level of these kids by giving them additional time to learn essential social, emotional, and pre-academic skills. The Colorado State Government has launched a free full-day kindergarten program statewide and the expansion of free state-funded preschool for pupils with certain risk factors. This was done to facilitate the social, emotional, and mental development of preschool kids in the state.

Funding full-day classes for preschool and kindergarten classes is the right decision made by Gov. Jared Polis of Colorado. Research has shown that full-day preschoolers perform better academically than their half-day counterparts. The funding of this vital aspect of the development of kids should be non-negotiable, and this decision by the Colorado state government deserves commendation. The overall development of these children should be top priority for everyone. This will immensely benefit parents who cannot afford to pay for private schools with full-day classes for their kindergarten and preschool kids.

Furthermore, school district officials state that parents prefer the full-day option because it aligns with their work schedules and provides additional time for these kids to learn things important to their development. The funding by the state government will allow various school districts to create new full-day preschool classrooms and expand existing preschool facilities to accommodate the enrollment of kids willing to start full-day classes. 

Full-day preschoolers also stand a better chance of developing a higher maturity level and sense of independence than their half-day counterparts at the start of kindergarten. They are also better at performing tasks such as hand-washing and putting away their dishes after eating. All these advantages they possess over their half-day colleagues are because of the extra time they spend in school taking lessons that are important to their social, emotional, and mental intelligence.

The initiative by the Colorado State Government to fund full-day schools for preschool and kindergarten students will go a long way in aiding the development of the social, emotional, and mental intelligence of youngsters in Colorado.

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