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Texas State Issue

Should Columbus Day be replaced with #Indigenous People's Day in Texas?

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"US holidays shouldn't celebrate genocidal maniacs" Jun 29, 2024

History is not simply a record of the past, it is a manufactured product, whose quality is wholly dependent on the skills and biases of the historian. In other words, history is a product historians sell to the public. This is why we should always be critical of the history handed down to us, as historians of long ago may have added bits and pieces of their own agenda in writing major events that shaped a nation. 

#ColumbusDay is one of the holidays celebrated in the US because of its historical significance in the culture. Although Columbus did not set out from Spain with the goal of subjugation and genocide, the arrival of the Italian navigator tragically created a domino effect which ultimately resulted in what could be concluded as the death of millions of Native Americans. It is estimated that 60 million Native Americans inhabited the region in 1492.

When the Italian expedition reached Hispaniola on October 12, 1492, it signified the beginning of the massive abuse committed by European nations in the New World. Cultures indigenous to America either were assimilated or became extinct. Millions of people died both due to new diseases brought by the Europeans and the mass slavery and conquest that occured. Such a day in history is not the start of a renaissance of blissful cohabitation in a new land, but a cruel invasion of a people. 

Because of this new understanding of the historical events surrounding the subjugation of the native people, it is time to revoke this honorable holiday title. To recognize the people affected by the invasion of the Europeans, the day “Indigenous Peoples' Day” was coined. A nation conceived in liberty should celebrate periods of history that promote freedom. Although the arrival of Christopher Columbus and his men remains a historical event, it should be placed under events that should not be repeated. Colonization, genocide, slavery, and exploitation were unfortunate byproducts of the arrival of the Europeans in the Americas. 

After Columbus came, other explorers descended upon America to exploit the continent full of resources. Spain, Portugal, England, and France all had a hand in using the land for their benefit, with little regard to the wishes of the Native people. Millions of Natives were displaced and millions more were killed by explorers, loss of resources, and from disease. It is a fact that after 1492, the Native American civilizations went into a sharp decline and many were completely eradicated from history. 

Because of the destruction and pain we now know that resulted from the lack of care and respect taken by European settlers, the day should be changed to honor the Native people instead. History should choose wisely what event to celebrate and pick with care, what parts of history should be celebrated. With knowledge comes wisdom, discernment, and change for the betterment of all people.

Therefore, Columbus day should be removed as a celebrated holiday in favor of honoring the indigenous people who came before.

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