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National & World Issue

Should Congress use #gender neutral terms?

Score for this "Yes" opinion : 8.8

"Gender-neutral terms allows all to be represented" May 03, 2024

All forms of discrimination must be denounced and criticized by the United States. It is high time that the state takes responsibility for discrimination and takes all steps to ensure equality among all spheres of the community and state. After the George Floyd incident, the issue of systemic racism was highlighted and the governing body as well as the people vowed to root it out. But there is another form of discrimination that is rampant and it must be addressed as early as possible to nip the evil in the bud. That discrimination is hate against the LGBTQ+ community.

Language is a reflection of a society’s ideas and beliefs. Conceptions and perceptions are translated into words. In our deeply gendered society, gender-neutral individuals are often made to feel isolated. Inside homes, schools, out on the streets, and in everyday language, only two genders were recognized for centuries. With the rising awareness and acceptance of diversity and different gender orientations, it is heartening to see that more and more people want to make gender-neutral individuals feel inclusive, safe, and part of the community. Since this discrimination is deeply entrenched, all possible and necessary measures must be taken on a state level to make gender equality a reality.

Instead of dividing into male and female categories in our everyday speech, using gender-neutral terms will have a profound beneficial impact. It might seem like a very small act, but it reflects massive respect for the non-binary community and the willingness on part of people and the state to make every small and large change to completely remove any traces of gender discrimination. It is reported that countries with increasingly gendered languages have a higher ratio of gender discrimination. By changing the speech, the entire thought process will be reformed and people will no longer see everything through the lens of gender. Instead, human beings need to be valued based on the quality of their character.

Getting rid of binary perspective is going to be challenging. That is why Congress must be the one to take the first step. Acceptance of gender-neutral terms by Congress will send a very powerful message to the non-binary community inside and outside the United States of America. Moreover, it will speed up the adoption process by the general public. It is the most effective way to send the word out that the people of America are inclusive of gender neutrality. Congress, being the representative of the people of the United States, must start using gender-neutral terms.

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