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National & World Issue

Should Congress use #gender neutral terms?

Score for this "No" opinion : 8.17

"The Place of #Gender Neutral Terms in #US Congress" Jul 22, 2024

When it comes to the use of words like sex and gender, the world has undergone a significant awakening concerning what these words mean, the individuals they are applied to, and the context in which they are used. As more and more people all over the country take the bold step to come out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer, and queer plus, the nation as a whole is doing all that it can to readjust to the new situation and ensure that each of these members knows and understands the fact that they are regarded as valued members of the society and their respective communities.

While this might have seemed like a non-issue in the past, the need for a more inclusive approach with all affairs concerning LGBTQ+ individuals has risen in the scope of urgency in light of recent developments. Contrary to public belief, a remarkably significant portion of the LGBTQ+ community continues to live under threat to life and limb. This fact has been further confirmed and authenticated by the findings brought to light by the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). With the life of dear friends and family members in such great peril, there has been a considerable outcry from various corners of the public that more should be done by the government to ensure the security of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Many hold the belief that if the government can make a firm and stoic stand on the issue, given time, the discrimination faced by the LGBTQ+ community would diminish. What's more, the need to do this fast has risen quite drastically in light of the fact that various studies are confirming that the younger generation, a group of people who were once very accepting of the LGBTQ+ community is slowly but surely turning their back on them.

There is no doubt that it is following this line of thinking that ultimately compelled the entry and passage of the gender-neutral bill which is expected to affect just one single document. Although this is just a trickle, the dam gushing open isn't far beyond. Even though violence against LGBTQ+ individuals continues to intensify, is the passage and use of gender-neutral terms in the US Congress ultimately the best approach to tackle this problem? While many see this as a step in the right direction, they under the misguided conception that such a measure will serve as a clear signal to stop the violence when it is more likely to do otherwise.

There is no indication whatsoever that the implementation of gender-neutral terms in government will do anything at all to alleviate the pressing problem of violence and discrimination that the LGBTQ+ community is currently facing. As the concept and interpretation of gender continues to unfold, a move like enforcing the use of gender-neutral terms in the US Congress can be easily misconstrued as a direct attack and a blatant attempt to diminish the traditional views of gender.

There is absolutely no argument that the US Congress and the country as a whole have a huge gender inclusion gap, but mandating the use of gender-neutral terms is not the way to bridge that gap. Instead, it may further fan the flames of hostility already burning towards LGBTQ+ individuals in the long run.

While the acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community is a must, it is imperative it is implemented in a way that fosters unity, not tyranny and discord. As to whether Congress should use gender-neutral terms, there is no arguing that doing so would be a step in the wrong direction at this time.

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