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Should crucial #vaccinations be mandatory for everyone in the U.S.? 

Even before the COVID pandemic, the debate over the authority of the government to mandate #vaccinations was a hot topic. On one hand, many people believe that vaccinations should be compulsory for everyone in the United States as it is the safest way to prevent diseases. Others argue that individuals should have the personal choice as to whether they want to be vaccinated. 

Those who argue in favor of mandatory vaccinations suggest that many people don’t understand the severity of the diseases that vaccinations provide protection for, and giving people a choice should never be an option. They believe that non-vaccinated individuals are extremely prone to diseases, and unvaccinated people can infect others too due to contagion. Not only this, but these people can also be a financial strain on the resources of the country. Similarly, they believe that only mandatory vaccination programs will help those who do not have access to health facilities. 

Those who oppose mandatory vaccination argue on the concept of freedom of choice. They suggest that according to the U.S. Constitution, every individual has a freedom to choose, and curtailing these rights will be detrimental to #democracy. Also, they argue many vaccinations inject the activated virus in the body, possibly doing more harm to people rather than saving them. 

The question for debate, should crucial vaccinations be mandatory for everyone in the United States?

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