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Should crucial #vaccinations be mandatory for everyone in the U.S.? 

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"Mandating vaccinations is #CurtailingFreeWill" Aug 10, 2024

Infringements upon the freedom of expression and free-will is not a new issue. Under the #constitution of the United States, anyone living in the country is entitled to these fundamental human rights. Problems arise when governments try to control people too much. This results in the negation of the fundamental right of choice. One of the founding fathers of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, said, "Most bad government has grown out of too much government." This is an absolute reality and has been proven time again and again. Those who argue against the idea of giving free will to people for getting vaccination mostly suggest that if people do not get vaccinated they endanger all of society. However, this is a sweeping statement and an absolutely flawed approach. Even if a small chunk of people get vaccinated, they develop a herd-immunity with which they cannot catch infection again. 

Another problem with enforcing vaccines, which the mainstream media does not discuss, is that it often goes wrong and harms the individual. Vaccines are prepared with the inactive germs of the original virus that creates immunity in human bodies. Problems arise when they go against the system of the body. Who will be responsible for the enforced vaccination if it affects the subjected person negatively?

There are examples of vaccines going wrong, such as the famous Cutter incident. In 1955, there was news that the United States had successfully prepared the polio vaccine. However, many of those vaccines had active poliovirus in it. As the events unfolded and people took vaccines in great numbers, they started getting polio symptoms. All of those activated vaccines successfully passed the required tests; still, they infected the people with the virus. Now, what if this type of vaccine is injected into the human body without the consent of the individual? 

This is where the power of choice comes, where people can use their minds before taking any risk on their bodies. Not only this, but most of the time the diseases have multiple forms, and manufacturing a general #vaccine for the disease does more harm than good. 

It is also a proven reality that some vaccinated people can also get the disease, and other non-vaccinated individuals never catch it. Experts believe that many of us are born with natural immunity, and providing more vaccines can be consequential for the health of the subjected individual. So, a person well aware of his biology should have a choice whether to inject a vaccine in their body or not. This way, freedom of choice gets respected as people use their own personal knowledge of their bodies before making any type of vaccination decision.

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