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Should #DACA be illegal, or legal and expanded?

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"Stronger #Economy with DREAMers" Jul 25, 2024

Signing Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (#DACA) was one of the most influential yet controversial decisions of the Obama administration. Under this law, hundreds of thousands of people have changed their lives while contributing to the economy of the United States. It is just a mere perception that #DREAMers are detrimental to the American economy. The facts suggest that these people have contributed a lot to the general well-being of America and are playing their part in making America progressive.

According to one survey, DREAMers living in the United States who are well-established now have bought cars and first homes that are one of the sources of revenue for many states in the form of sales and property tax. Many DREAMers are even running successful businesses in the United States that are creating more jobs for Americans. More than 95% of the DREAMers are either employed or getting an education in schools, which is an extremely positive indicator for the growth of America. The interesting news is that most of them are enrolled in courses like computer science, biochemistry, graphics, writing, and neuroscience that will create an extremely talented workforce for America in the near future. 

We must do more to protect the rights of these DREAMers. Legalizing and expanding policies for DACA revolves around making the economy of the USA strong and inclusive with the help of DREAMers. At the end of the day, employers are also making profits from the services of these DREAMers, which is the only reason they have employment in such large numbers. In the long run, providing more and more rights to these DREAMers is one of those ways that can make the economy of the United States better in the upcoming years.

Comparing DREAMers with U.S. citizens is also a flawed approach by DACA opponents as DACA does not provide a path to become a U.S. citizen, so the rights of the citizens will only be enjoyed by the Americans.

We must continue to support DREAMers in our country as they add value and support the standing of our country as a nation founded on immigrants.

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