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Should #DACA be illegal, or legal and expanded?

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"Get Rid Of DACA’s Stop-gap Measure" Jul 10, 2024

#IllegalImmigration is one of the most existential threats for the United States. It creates not only unemployment for the country, but also the increasing criminal activities that can disturb the peace of the land. If you are not American, you have to go through a legal process to get American citizenship and seek employment here. Allowing undocumented immigrants to remain in our country, regardless of their situation is in direct conflict with the policies to protect and limit immigration into the U.S.

If this continues to happen, there will be no difference between the illegal immigrants and the naturalized US citizens who pass through a long process to get the citizenship of America in the days to come. If the rights of DACA recipients continue to be expanded, it will only be a matter of time before they will be able to obtain US citizenship even though they entered the country illegally. As the DREAMers are unlawful, most of them have no inherent skill to add value to the community. Not only this, but many of them can end up on the way to become criminals resulting in a severe crisis in some of the economic hubs of the world.

While this is true that many people want to settle in the western world, particularly America, to make their future bright, it does not mean that America should start giving employment to anyone without following the proper procedure.

Every sovereign nation has #borders and enforcing the borders’ laws should be the utmost priority of every government to make the country safe. Rigid borders are one of the essential parts of the modern-day nation-states, and porous borders can be dangerous for sovereignty. This is why it is so important to take steps towards repealing DACA. Too much immigration is one of the main reasons for the rising unemployment in the United States in recent years. With fewer illegal immigrants, the jobs will be occupied by the deserving unemployed and under-employed Americans.

Those favoring the legislation mostly argue that DREAMers should be given special breaks as they were not at fault when they came to the United States. They further argue that they were brought here by their parents, so they need special treatment. The reality regarding modern-day international relations is that they should not be driven by emotions. Rather a sane policy approach is required to regulate the affairs of the state, and this is what matters at the end of the day. Instead of the emotional decisions, rational decisions are the need of the hour to save America from more tragedies in the times to come.  

Immigrants are not the problem, but illegal immigrants are. Anyone who wants to settle in the United States should go through proper channels, and any other means of becoming a citizen or remaining free from the fear of deportation undermines the proper path to immigration and citizenship in the U.S.

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