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Local Dallas Issue

Should DART proceed with its construction of the #SilverLine (Cotton Belt Regional Rail Corridor)?

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"Addressing the #silverline elephant in the room" May 08, 2024

In addition to catering to the basic and rudimentary needs of easy transportation, the proposed Silver Line is expected to bring with it a host of several other amazing benefits, including increased mobility, accessibility, and employment opportunities. From this point of view, it is quite easy to pretend the project is sane, practical and right on all levels. But let's take a closer look at this scene displayed before us and examine it from a more critical perspective.

To start with, the estimated budget for this project is a whooping $1.2 billion. Ideally, this should be enough to establish the project's lack of viability. Compound that with the economic effects that we have suffered since the beginning of the pandemic, and you will realize that now is not the time to take on such an expensive project.

There are a number of more practical and productive channels that are in desperate need of those financial resources. Forcing residents to sell their homes to make way for the Silver Line is not the right thing to do, not by a long shot. This could include offering bailout funds to failing small businesses all around the state, or providing stronger infrastructure to our transportation system as a whole; the list is virtually endless. 

There would certainly be a lot to gain from this project, it would make transportation easier. However, prioritizing the Silver Line right now with things such as they are would in essence be putting the cart before the horse. Now more than ever, the state's financial resources need to be allocated to areas where they are most needed. Sadly, the Silver Line isn't one of the most pressing concerns at this moment in time.

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