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Washington State Issue

Should #drug possession be decriminalized in Washington State?

The issue of whether or not drug possession should be decriminalized is a contentious and complex one. In 2023, Washington State was facing the expiration of a law which would have decriminalized drug possession. Facing this expiration, in May 2023 the governor signed a law that continued to make drug possession illegal, while boosting treatment resources for people who are drug addicts. There is still significant debate on whether decriminalizing drug possession is a path the state may want to take in the future. 

Proponents of drug decriminalization believe that #DecriminalizingDrugPossession could work as a strategy to free up prison space for unsafe or truly violent offenders. Decriminalization is helpful to reduce overcrowding, cutting confinement costs, as well as providing alternatives for rehabilitating offenders. Furthermore, the support of decriminalization is fueled by the belief that too many individuals have been imprisoned and jailed over the issue, and that drug addiction should be considered a health issue, not a criminal one.

On the other hand, opponents argue that decriminalizing drug possession would take away a hurdle to those that are tempted to use drugs, as some people don’t start using drugs because they are scared of legal consequences. Also, there are public risks in communities that are struggling with heroin consumption, such as used needles that are abandoned in parks and other public places. Everyone nearby is at risk of becoming hurt or sick from these hazards, with kids being the most vulnerable. Additionally, opponents believe people are not disciplined enough to use substances responsibly and are too vulnerable to the allure of the high. 

The question for debate, should drug possession be decriminalized in Washington State?

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