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Should #education be a state or federal responsibility?

The K-12 education system in the U.S. is currently a state and local responsibility as well as an area where private schools engage. The standards for public education are handed down to schools at the state level, and each state is left to implement standards/funding for schools. 

There exist two main thoughts about the structure of education in the United States. One being that schools are better in the hands of state and local officials. They understand what their communities need, and are able to provide unique education standards and funding. The other side of the coin is that allowing state governments to control schools leaves some states terribly underfunded, and creates disparity over curriculum nationwide. 

The current contribution from the federal government to education is only about 8%, leaving the remainder of the cost of education up to the states. In states with lower budgets, or areas that value education less, this means that students suffer by not getting the same quality of education compared to other states. 

Those in favor of states maintaining control over education argue that it ensures freedom of each area to make education decisions based on their needs and the availability of funds. States with higher budgets can choose to provide more funding for education, increasing education ratings and driving desirability to live in those areas. 

Currently the constitution does not give the federal government the power to control education, as those rights and powers are reserved for state and local officials. The question for debate is, should education be a federal rather than a state responsibility?

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