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Should efforts by certain state governments, most notably FL & TX, to transport #migrants to other states be permitted?

The number of migrants who find their way to the United States continues to increase with each passing year. And just like Former President Donald Trump, Joe Biden has struggled with what some believe has become a dysfunctional asylum situation. Some of the state governments in jurisdictions most affected by the rising influx of migrants, such as Florida and Texas, have begun to employ an unconventional solution to their states with this issue.

Although some consider it illegalthe governors of Florida and Texas have been transporting migrants to what they consider liberal strongholds. Both governors, conservative Republicans, say they want these states to experience what their residents do by receiving would-be migrants and asylum-seekers with little notice or preparation.

One on hand, these state governments have repeatedly stated that they cannot spare the resources to properly cater to these individuals. It would be very unfair to simply go about business as usual while the migrants suffered due to lack of resources. Situations like this can also form a breeding ground for violence, as locals might choose to take matters into their own hands. It could be argued that the best way for these immigrants to get the support they need is to move them to more accommodating ground.

On the other side, many believe that this is a political gimmick to gain political points amongst conservative voters. The treatment of immigrants can also be perceived as both inhumane and discriminatory. Moving these migrants without considering what they actually need is unfair to them. Many have come to the U.S because their homelands have been rendered inhospitable and they believe that the U.S. can offer them refuge and a chance at a better life. The treatment that these state governments give them might make them feel valueless and unwanted while undermining what the nation represents at the same time.

So the question for debate, should efforts by certain state governments, most notably FL and TX, to transport migrants to other states be permitted?

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